Sunday 4 December 2011

Rat shooed off by vinayaga!!

Life functions in mysterious ways never allowing to guess what will happen next.A year before when my last leg of college life was going on things looked predictable at least 2 or 3 hours in future.After going to work in MNC my life has become complicated,unpredictable(If there are any other synonyms for these words i can add them).Going and coming back from office has become the most tedious job other than the job itself.Every day if i predict ill reach home early,then ill reach late due to many foreseeable reasons like chief minister of my state going to attend a trial in another state,political meetings,car fire(well car fire is beyond prediction).So after the first 4 days of the week have gone by reaching home early and late alternatively,I wanted to reach home early on friday to watch india vs WI match.Fortunately my travel did not succumb to any unnatural blockage and i reached in time to watch the match.Well nothing to complain,India batted well.After having nice dinner,I thought of watching the end of match before going to sleep.My dad with the satisfaction that india will win easily dozed before the match ended,while i tried to remain sleepily awake till india won..There came the villain,the RAT.Through the exhaust fan hole in the kitchen the rat entered inspite of my dad closing the hole using a plastic cover(according to him it was foolproof!!).While everything remained static to me except the occasional running of players inside the TV,something caught my attention which moved in the real world.The rat climbing the window in the kitchen caused me to alert my dad but by then rat had escaped through the foolproof cover.Then came combing and sealing of kitchen at night 10:45,my dad took an old calendar cardboard and sealed the exhaust hole with unending reams of cellotape supplied by me.Finally,when cello tape and the match was about to get over,my dad was satisfied of sealing the hole.I consoled myself that i was able to see the rohit sharma hit the winning runs.Next day, my dad told the reason why the rat could not come beyond the cardboard and weak defense of cello tape.It was because cardboard had the picture of lord vinayaga who shooed off the real rat :P :D

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